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Sunday, July 3

Apology To My Readers

      Awhile back I swore to myself that I was going to make a schedule for posts and that I was going to stick to it. I made the decision because I noticed that there are some folks who for whatever reason, read this blog, and read it regularly. If I'm not mistaken, some of them have even told 1 or 2 of their friends. (Thank you all!)
     However it happened, for the first time since I started this blog I've learned to recognize the difference between having a large readership, and having regular readers. The numbers on any given day are not what counts, it's how many of those people were here when I started; how many have followed this blog through its many transitions and searches to "find itself"; how many are still here reading the words I struggle to bring forth, and perhaps even feeling some small part of the emotion I try to convey; and how many will be here in the future, whether Bikini Bottom stays under the sea or moves to some place halfway between the sea and the sky so it will have more room to grow, how many will stay. These are the numbers that count. It is to those readers that I speak now.
     I made a schedule. I said that every Wednesday and Saturday I would post. I thought that way people would know when the new posts would be up and wouldn't get frustrated with having to check and finding no new content. I told myself that getting that new post to those faithful readers had to be important to me or I was going to lose the few I had. Well, I owe you an apology; I took on more than I could handle, and in the crush of things that had to be done, I let the one thing slip that should have been among the first completed. I apologize sincerely, and hope you won't hold that against me or Bikini Bottom.

Got questions or comments? Please direct them to 

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