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Monday, June 16

A Different Tone Today....

Usually my posts are militant, or rebellious, or political, or has to do with discrimination in it one of it's many forms; today it's a short one, something different which, while just as serious as my other topics, strikes a deeper chord in me.

I have one of my grandchildren with me for the summer. It's wonderful for me, (despite the extra work it will mean) and something that I thank God for. I don't only thank Him because I am in a position to do it, I thank Him for the simple fact that I have a grandchild to visit me, and that I have a daughter who believes in family ties and wants her children to know their family.

There have been times that I have felt so good about having my grandchild with me that I've considered having another of my own; actually going through whatever changes I would have go through to have another one. Then on the heels of that thought comes the thought of how unfair life is; I would give so much to have another child, even adopted or foster, and yet there are so many people out here who don't want the ones they have...

Which brings me to the point of today's post. What on earth would possess someone to brutally beat and stomp a toddler to death? What goes through the mind of someone while they're doing that? How do you look at a small helpless child and kick and beat them until they're no longer breathing? What could make any human being that angry? I don't understand it. As much as I disagree with capital punishment, I found myself almost cheering when I read that in order to stop him from beating the child the police had to shoot and kill him. What punishment could possibly be equal to the punishment he gave to that child? He beat the boy so badly that they have to use DNA to identify it. I was almost in tears when I read the article's description of how he was stomping the toddler and when several people tried to intervene he just brushed them off and went back to what he was doing.

I wish I knew what it was that could make someone do something like that; then again, maybe I don't. It might be so horrible that it would drive me insane....


Lori said...

I have never been able to comprehend child abuse. Like you, it scares me to imagine the workings of a mind that can do something that horrid. I don't believe in capital punishment, I believe that it is between Him and the offender. Enjoy your grandchild my love...

Wanda J said...

Would you believe they found out that the child was his son??? He said the child was filled with demons...

Sometimes I think that some people use that line to try and get an insanity plea going.

Lori said...

I think that some people are truly insane, but just as many "play" crazy to escape the consequences of their actions....